A programming note from Kottke: “I have pivoted to posting almost exclusively about the coup happening in the United States right now.”
Category: Links
Low-Tech Magazine
Low-Tech Magazine – An online magazine dedicated to low-tech solutions: “Low-tech Magazine underscores the potential of past and often forgotten technologies and how they can inform sustainable energy practices.” Completely obsessed with the brutalist web design and the fact that the entire site is solar-powered (which means it is occasionally offline.)
From Jason
From Jason – Really enjoyed this self-proclaimed digital garden, especially, perhaps, the site’s dedication: “This site is dedicated to the old web, the weird web, the web that screamed in horror when summoned through a land line.” via Rachel
The Internet Used To Be Fun
The Internet Used To Be Fun – Raise your hand if you can relate to this sentiment. Apparently more and more people do. My pal Rachel created this compendium on writing about the un-funning of the internet. “…here’s a collection of articles that to some degree answer the question ‘Why have a personal website?’ with ‘Because it’s fun, and the internet used to be fun.’”
Mail Blog
Mail Blog – Cortney Cassidy’s print-and-ink zine “Mail Blog” is a blog distributed through the US Postal Service. You can sign up for free by emailing mailblog@mailbox.org. Receiving this non-electronic newsletter has added some much-needed joy to my winter 2025. More on Mail Blog in Cassidy’s A Soft Manifesto